
12/4(sun) Let's Go Hiking !!





Let’s go hiking with us.
We will go hike to Wada-thoge on December 4th.
This is “Nature study classes at “himemosu” ”.
The main theme of this classes are “Nature study with Miyazawa Kenji way.”

"With Miyazawa Kenji as our inspirational guide, discover the charm, beauty and secrets of nature in the wonderful mountain village of Wada Kanagawa prefecture.
Explore beautiful forests, quiet green fields and enjoy some delicious local foods.

Date:2011/12/4 Sun
Meeting point: Fujino station
Particifation fee: 1500yen(?) except lunch & transportation fee.
Time schedule: now planning maybe meet Fujino station 9:00AM

Nature study cource’s guide :Mr.Conrad Atkinson
He was born in Canada and has lived in Japan for 25 years.
He has travelled extensively and has taught at a junior college.
Recently he has devoted his energies developing a humane nature education.

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